What a week!
I traveled back to Marshall, Texas on Friday for my little sister's debutante ball. This may have been the best trip yet! I'm not kidding I really love America...but mainly just the people that live there. However, Spain makes me happy because everyone walks everywhere, the buildings are breathtaking, the babies are adorable, the bread is heavenly, and the people speak Spanish.
New friends with our smiles ON! |
My flight was delayed from Bilbao to Madrid on Friday morning. I got off the plane in Madrid, checked the departure screen for Dallas, saw that my flight said "last call", and started SPRINTING to my gate. I arrived drenched in sweat two minutes too late...and watched the plane takeoff from inside the terminal. On the bright side, while standing in line to book a new flight I met some really cool people from Colombia, Mexico and Bilbao whose travel plans turned into a fiasco as well so we bonded and took a picture together!
Three sisters and two boyfriends at the ball! |
I eventually flew into the Big Apple then rode in a cab with a crazy driver from South Africa to the Plaza Hotel where I slept (believe me, it sounds better than it looks). Then I boarded an early flight to Dallas on Saturday morning and finally hopped on a little jet to Shreveport, Louisiana. I arrived in time to go on an awesome lunch date with Larry (MEXICAN food!) and almost surprise my little sister with my presence! Then we danced the night away at the Marshall civic center...had a BALL!
My Spanish tortilla. Real ones look better, I promise. |
Sunday/Monday: Fished with Dad and sisters. Concocted a Spanish tortilla (I showed Chus the picture and she said to cut the potatoes up a little more next time. ha.) Attempted to make pretzels. Went on a walk with my Madre. Ate sweet potato fries from Joe Bucks AND drank a sweet tea. Then my wonderful grandparents drove me to the airport. On the way back, I got three seats to myself so I slept horizontally!
Chus welcomed me home with a huge hug right when I walked in the door and stuffed some fish in my face (literally, I ate SO fast) because my friend was waiting to take me to class en Moto! (yes, a real motorcycle!)
Wednesday, after finding out that my only class for the day was canceled, I discovered a beautiful new park where I sat down and read a whopping 2 pages of Redeeming Love in Spanish (There were lots of big words). Then I went to an awesome bible study where we ate home made pizza, discussed 1 John and watched Glee!
Agenda for the weekend: A 3rd attempt at horseback riding, swimming in the Alhondiga, a girls sleepover, more cooking, fellowship with friends, beautiful weather and two church services on Sunday!
¡Besos y Abrazos!
P.S. I think I've reached my quota for food pictures on the blog...but I probably will not stop posting them!