Riding a Spanish horse in Burgos, Álava |
The 3rd attempt at horseback riding- check. Swimming in the Alhondiga- check (with the obligatory swim cap). More cooking- check (mmm...fajitas). Fellowship with friends- check plus!
Chus walking around with a book on her head is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I think she does it to improve her posture, and it cracks me up every time. When Nadal lost in the Paribus Open on Sunday she did her exercises in the kitchen and then walked, while balancing the book, 11 times up and down the hall. She also taught me how to make Sopa de Ajo (scroll down a bit to see a
photo). It was delicious. I have a list of things Chus does that I like. For instance, when she thinks something is really cool or when she recounts a story about telling someone off, she does a fist pump. I want to bring her back to the US with me!
With Lina- We are winners! |
Saturday was a nice long day. I went to Vitoria (capitol of the Basque Country) to ice skate with friends from church. I only busted my rear three times! Annnd I learned how to skate backwards. After 2 hours of skating nonstop, we went to a park where had a picnic and played baseball- Spanish style. We had
four bases and some
CRAZY rules. My family would
not be okay with this type of game! (However, I did score a run!) Then we played tag and other games that everyone played in the 5th grade. It was fun. Later, I had a pintxo and sidra (cider) in little bar while watching a rugby game with my Colombian friend, Lina. Oh and we played pool, which I am horrible at. Finally, we went to a basketball game, rather, a Basquetball game. (get it?!)
A pretty church in Vitoria and the field where we picnicked! |
I am continually encouraged and inspired by the plethora of things God is teaching me here. I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to study abroad and travel in Europe. I am striving to give 100% of my energy towards making the most of each day as I learn new things about Spanish culture, language, relationships, God and myself. In Spanish there is a word for "make the most of". I like to say "aprovecharlo!" when a new experience presents itself. We need that word in English!
Tests OVER=one fist pump.
Drawing with chalk on the kitchen floor with Chus and the kids=10 fist pumps.
Retreat for girls this weekend=100 fist pumps!
What if I wrote a blog in Spanish one day?
Thinking about it...thinking...pensando...nah.
Maybe I'll just start a new
cooking blog in
Spanish instead.
Un beso,